
Vocal exercises for musical theatre

In light of new technical requirements in LCME's Musical Theatre for Singers syllabus, examiners and musical theatre specialists Bryan Husband and Ben Costello describe what’s involved and how this links to contemporary practice

As part of the assessment at each grade in the new LCME Musical Theatre for Singers syllabus, candidates are asked to demonstrate a series of vocal exercises of their choice, to showcase technical skills and to prepare and focus at the beginning of their assessment. The exercises present an opportunity for students to demonstrate process and development, and tailor exercises to specific repertoire and voice qualities. Helpfully, the exercises can connect to the programme of songs that follows, and can embrace articulation, tone, dexterity, expression, breath control/management, vocal stretches, and a variety of voice qualities and onsets. LCME’s approach to the exercises is also flexible with regards to key choices, range and tempi, and whether or not the exercises are performed from memory.

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