

A music revolution is happening in primary schools

Mei Lim, Head at Weyfield Primary Academy, explains what's happening.

“Crowds of children throng the corridors, whooping and cheering – not normally a situation I would tolerate at Weyfield Primary Academy. But this is not a normal day: Matt has come to visit and I happen to be right there in the middle of the crowd, whooping and cheering with the best of them. Matt, you see, is a Rockstar.

Rewind several months to Matt's first appearance at Weyfield during an assembly. At 9am on Monday mornings, assemblies are normally a calm, purposeful start to the week; an opportunity for the school to reflect on our personal goals and get in the right frame of mind for the learning ahead. Occasionally we also invite external speakers and organisations to lead assemblies and, on this particular Monday morning, I introduced Matt from Rocksteady…

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