

Break free after lockdown: British Youth Music Theatre

British Youth Music Theatre (BYMT), speaks to 17-year-old Charlotte, who shares her ‘overwhemlingly positive’ journey with BYMT so far, navigating the obstacles this year has thrown our way.
BYMT's production of Hot Wheels in 2019
BYMT's production of Hot Wheels in 2019 - Gemma Smith

2020 has been a very challenging year for young people. Locked at home, bored, isolated from their friends, missing out on their usual social, educational or artistic activities. Now many of them just can't wait to get back to normal and fill their next year with excitement and creativity. One of them is Charlotte, 17, from County Meath in Ireland. Charlotte talks about her passion: ‘I have always been super-passionate about musical theatre and acting ever since I was young. I have always aspired to be an international performer and work in the UK someday.’

Last year was extremely exciting for Charlotte as she took part in BYMT's National Auditions tour in February 2019 in Dublin and performed in BYMT's new bold and empowering musical Hot Wheels at Barbican Theatre in Plymouth in August 2019.

Every year, BYMT tours around the UK and Ireland to audition over 1,000 talented young people aged 11–21 with a passion for performing arts and then to stage seven or eight new musicals with the young cast and professional creative teams.

Charlotte's first show, Hot Wheels, was devised and put together just in two weeks by a brilliant creative team, including Director Ellie Jones (Macbeth with RSC and Invincible at St James Theatre, which was nominated for Best Ensemble and Best Director at the O? West End Awards) and an exceptional company of young talent: ‘My BYMT experience has been and continues to be so overwhelmingly positive due to the people involved and the skills and opportunities it has given me. I have connected with theatre professionals and the other young enthusiastic performers like myself that BYMT has brought together. That support, along with the experience and confidence, are wonderful gifts to be able to take with me into my future.

Charlotte, who has gained ‘confidence about pursuing a career in the arts’

‘The most exciting thing was getting into the production and seeing what an amazing feat we all achieved together in such a short time. Thanks to BYMT, I could solely focus on collaborating to create a new piece of theatre and could witness it come to fruition from the dedicated, tough work we all accomplished.’

When BYMT's activities were challenged by the coronavirus outbreak, the company quickly found new ways to keep young participants engaged and creative, such as an exciting digital programme including ‘BYMTschool’, 1-2-1 online singing workshops with top industry singing tutors, as well as ‘BYMTalks’, free online webinars with leading theatre professionals giving industry insights and career tips to the young performers.

Charlotte was happy to join the online programme: ‘I loved being able to participate and channel my creative energy into something that would help connect us all through the difficult time. As a young performer, I believe the BYMTschool webinars were extremely beneficial to watch. I had the pleasure of having a 1-2-1 singing lesson with one of the lead singing tutors at RADA, Jane Streeton. That was an amazing experience for me, thank you Jane!’

Charlotte is very determined about her future career: ‘I am pursuing a career in the arts. Acting and performing are my true passions right now, but I try not limit myself to one thing, as I am open to developing other creative skills too. I am in my final year of secondary school and beginning to apply to drama schools in the UK and Ireland, so I am preparing monologues and songs for my upcoming auditions. My experience with BYMT has given me so much confidence about pursuing a career in the arts.’

After taking part in BYMT's National Auditions 2020, Charlotte is looking forward to joining the cast of BYMT's new musical, Breadboy. The show is based on Tony Macaulay's much-loved memoire of the same name, with music from platinum-selling Belfast artist Duke Special and writing by stand-up comedian Andrew Doyle. It will be performed at the Lyric Theatre Belfast in 2021.

In January and February 2021, BYMT is going on its largest talent search yet, all over the UK and Ireland. BYMT's National Auditions are open to anyone aged 11–21 to offer young people like Charlotte the unique opportunity to work with the professional creative team and to star in a full-scale musical in some of the most prestigious venues. The auditions don't require any previous experience or preparation. If you know a young person with a passion for musical theatre who wants to break free after lockdown and have the most exciting year, their journey starts here.

The BYMT auditions consist of a three-hour workshop led by West End professionals, combining singing, dancing and acting. No previous experience is necessary. Book on to auditions around the UK and Ireland here: britishyouthmusictheatre.org/auditions