
Echoes of history: HDMT Music

Frances Jones speaks to HMDT Music about its upcoming project, which provides schools with free resources to participate in an important commemoration event
 HMDT Music is marking the D-Day landings through song
HMDT Music is marking the D-Day landings through song - IWM

On 6 June this year, the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings during the Second World War, children across the country will be raising their voices in song to remember those involved in this momentous event. The creative force behind this project is HMDT Music, an organisation promoting arts education amongst children and young people. HMDT Music has received a commission from the Royal British Legion to create two commemoration songs for this milestone anniversary. Tertia Sefton-Green, creative director of HMDT Music, describes how the organisation works: ‘We approach a topic from a slightly different angle. All the commissions we have created link into the curriculum and we develop the themes using the arts as a means of telling history.’

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