
Online presence: Social media for music departments

As much as we might feel ambivalent about it, social media can support the work of school music departments if used with a clear set of goals. Guy Swinton shares his own experience of using it as a school music teacher.

Over the last four years I have been trying to make greater use of social media within our department. In this time I've found that, while there is a fair amount of work involved, social media can be a highly effective tool for engaging pupils and parents in school events and celebrating pupil successes. Alongside the PE department, the average music department will likely have significantly more ‘content’ suitable for social media than any other in the school, so even the least active accounts are likely to garner a fair degree of interest within the school community.

This article details the lessons I've learnt from running our school's social media content, but it is by no means meant as a how-to guide. Each school is different and not all the platforms and approaches detailed will be appropriate for every setting. There may also be some school music departments that feel they can take social media much further than I have. If you are new to social media in a professional context, or wish to try out a new platform or technique, I would strongly recommend running any ideas past your school's e-safety officer. Many schools have understandably strict regulations concerning the use of social media, particularly when this involves personal devices, so it's better to be informed of your school's position early on.

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