
School Musicals Company: Christmas musicals

It's that time of the year again. If you haven't already got your end of term musical finalised, then Cameron Bray has a few new suggestions for you

At an estimated 35 minutes, this is perfectly pitched for the suggested five to nine age group, with the action being broken up into eight scenes and a prologue, each roughly the same length. As expected, the narrator parts carry the bulk of the lines, though the four ox characters come a close second. I was always one of the go-to narrator for my school's plays and I would have loved one of these roles. There's a nice spread of characters, with some of the supporting characters only having a single line so it's more than feasible for you to have a mixed age group and for each child to feel adequately challenged. With 56 speaking parts, it's perfectly suited for getting a few year groups involved, though there are adaption notes that give tips from the creators as to how the parts can be split out or merged, so it will work with both huge groups and small ones. For an additional fee, you can purchase an editable version of the script to make this easier.

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