

What's new in the world of music exams?

Online Music Exams provides an overview of recent developments in graded instrumental and vocal exam offerings across the sector.

These are exciting times for graded music exams and instrumental assessment, with exam boards taking a more innovative approach to qualification delivery and a much-needed shift of focus onto diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and modernisation. The world of traditional graded music exams is beginning to evolve, becoming more responsive and adaptable to the individual needs of modern music teachers and their students.

Exam choice is widening

Data from a recent survey held by MGR Music suggests that music teachers no longer feel wedded to a particular exam board. The majority of teachers surveyed said that they would consider using a different exam board if their needs were not being met by their usual go-to.

The survey also elucidated the importance of customer service and the quality of a student's exam experience in shaping a teacher's opinion of a particular exam board. With more exam boards and syllabus choice than ever before, teachers now have the opportunity to tailor their exam approach to each student's needs. It's great to see how exam boards are responding to this more competitive landscape by focusing even more on customer service, innovation, and creating an enjoyable exam experience.

Recent innovations and new qualifications

EdTech innovators Online Music Exams (OME) launched their game-changing digital platform in 2019. Developed by a team led by UK music teachers, the Online Music Exams platform is the first in the world to enable all elements of a music exam to be taken online – that includes aural tests, sight-singing and improvisation. This new system also removes the need for booking. Course and qualification providers can partner with Online Music Exams to offer accredited exams through their platform. Find out more at onlinemusicexams.org.

The Music Teachers’ Board (MTB Exams) launched their first Ofqual regulated graded music exams in March 2019. They also introduced an innovative app to make it easy for students to record and submit audio and video recordings for assessment.

In 2020, ABRSM launched their new Performance Grades which give students the option to take a purely performance-focused exam by submitting video recordings of their performances via the ABRSM website.

In 2021, Rocksteady Music School launched an inclusive exam-free music qualification for primary school children in partnership with Trinity College London. With the aim of being more inclusive and accessible, the Music Performance in Bands qualification is assessed through skills observation in lessons.

The International Performing and Visual Arts Examination Board (IPVAEB) launched a programme of remotely assessed online Piano and Violin Performance Exams (Debut to Grade 8). IPVAEB was established by educators and performers who recognised the need for a new and holistic approach to evaluation and assessment.

This year: Orange Learn (Orange Amps’ education arm), launched their online graded Rock Guitar and Vocal Performance exams. These exams follow innovative new syllabi which allow students much more freedom of choice when selecting what to play or sing for their exams. Their Rock Guitar syllabus is the first to include a lead guitar solo module.

The Music Works introduced their Debut Practical Ukulele exam, accompanied by an easy-to-follow book and course to help students build a firm foundation of technical, performance and musicianship skills. All components of the exam are available online.

Peembeck released their online graded Guitar, Bass, Drums, Vocals, and Keyboard Performance Exams. Peembeck's exams have been designed specifically to support and nurture aspiring performers.

Trinity College London launched the first ever fully inclusive music qualifications in association with Sounds of Intent. The Awards and Certificates in Musical Development are regulated qualifications for musical learners with learning difficulties across the whole spectrum of abilities and needs.

Furtados School of Music launched their online graded Guitar and Keyboard Performance Exams (Debut–Grade 2) – hybrid exams which focus on technical elements and performance pieces. These exams can be taken online in their entirety.

Island of Music released their online graded Classical Guitar Performance Exams with a Latin American influence.

Judging by these recent developments, music qualifications and assessment have an exciting future ahead.

Visit onlinemusicexams.org to find out more about new accredited exam providers.