
Awards for Young Musicians opens relaunched funding applications

The programme offers awards of up to £2,000 for young instrumentalists, composers, producers and songwriters who face financial or other barriers to music making.
2019 Awards Day
2019 Awards Day - Edward Webb

Instrumentalists, composers, producers and songwriters aged 5–17 can now apply for Awards for Young Musicians (AYM)’s relaunched Awards programme, which offers investments of up to £2,000 as well as mentoring, workshops and other musical opportunities.

UK charity AYM has refreshed its guidelines and eligibility criteria and has launched a rolling deadline so that young people can apply at any time. The Awards programme is means-tested, with guidelines stating that if the total income of any parents or carers in a young person’s household is below £30,000/year, they will be eligible. Children of households with £30,000 to £40,000 per year may be eligible, but those above £40,000 are unlikely to be accepted.

To apply for an Award, young people do not need to have taken formal exams but should be able to provide evidence of their musical ability. In their applications, musicians are encouraged to show that they have the potential and passion to take their music to a high level, that they’ve made ‘great progress’ with the music education they’ve had access to, and that they have ideas for developing as an artist.

In 2020, the average Award was £550, and each year recipients have 12 months to spend the funds they are given. AYM pays for the musical items directly rather than handing over any money, and does not reimburse for already-bought instruments, or fund costs involving an international transfer of money, vocal lessons, academic school fees, higher education fees, or some orchestral/other courses.