
Charities launch mental health month for early career musicians

The MU is teaming up with YCAT, BAPAM and Tonic Rider to provide young musicians with wellbeing resources throughout April.
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Reprising last year’s Mental Health Campaign, the Musicians’ Union (MU) is joining forces with a group of leading charities to support the mental health of early career musicians.

As part of the campaign wellbeing tips and resources will be available to download, webinars will be held including one titled ‘Introduction to Mental Health’, and 1-2-1 sessions with Marion Friend MBE will be available. 

The MU is also providing a downloadable pack called Young Freelancers’ Guide to Mental Health in the Music Industry, which contains advice on mental health difficulties as well as some practical wellbeing activities. 

The Young Classical Arts Trust (YCAT), the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) and Tonic Rider are all involved in the month-long campaign, running from 1 to 29 April. 

'In the last year I have seen musicians being a lot more open to talking about mental health in the industry, which is so key to breaking the taboos that can still exist,’ says project manager at YCAT, Kate Blackstone. ‘That’s why it’s more important than ever to be signposting musicians to sources of advice and support. We are very proud to be reiterating our commitment to the maintenance of Early Career Musicians’ Mental Health.’

All events are resources will be accessible and will be available free of charge. You can view the full programme of events here.