
Education organisations aim to champion arts in schools with festival of celebration

Schools and colleges are being encouraged to share students’ music, dance, drama, poetry, drawings and paintings on Twitter on 28 May.

Nine education organisations have joined forces to launch the Festival of School and College Arts with the aim of celebrating young people’s creativity. 

Taking place on Twitter on Friday 28 May, it is hoped that the festival will provide a ‘badly needed antidote to the misery and disruption’ caused by the pandemic over the last year. 

The festival is being collaboratively launched by the Association of Colleges (AoC), Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), Confederation of School Trusts (CST), Independent Schools Council (ISC), National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), the NASUWT teachers’ union, National Education Union (NEU), National Governance Association (NGA) and the Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA). The festival is also supported by the Cultural Learning Alliance. 

A statement said: ‘We know schools and colleges have many demands on their time, but we’re hoping this day of celebration will act as a moment of relief from other pressures, showcasing poems, painting, and performances that are already happening within or around lessons.’ 

Jacqui O’Hanlon, director of learning and national partnerships at the Royal Shakespeare Company, and chair of the Cultural Learning Alliance, said: ‘Participating in the Arts has provided inspiration and refuge during the pandemic for millions. 

‘The Festival of School and College Arts is a brilliant opportunity to value and celebrate the creative lives, talents and resilience of our children and young people.’

ASCL general secretary Geoff Barton said: ‘The festival is a chance to turn the page on bubbles, self-isolation, lateral flow tests and all the other jargon of the pandemic, and get back to the creativity and joy which forms such an important part of educating young people.’

NAHT general secretary Paul Whiteman said: ‘The arts will be a vital part of healing the damage lockdown has done, allowing children to be children again, to socialise, exercise, express themselves, play and learn. 

‘The best thing we can do to support schools in helping children’s recovery, both educational and well-being, is to make sure the curriculum remains broad and inclusive of the arts.’

SFCA chief executive Bill Watkin said: ‘It is imperative that we keep the arts in education secure and flourishing and that we recognise and celebrate young people’s creativity and artistic talent; if they are to make a truly valuable contribution to society, all young people need to develop their creative skills, their artistic sensitivities and their ability to interact with others.’

Schools and colleges can take part on 28 May using the hashtag #EduArtsFest on Twitter. To find our more and download the event pack, click here