
Enter now: Yamaha to gift new keyboard to worthy educational cause

Your school, charity, youth group, or specialist setting could receive the Yamaha PSR-E360B keyboard reviewed in MT’s November issue.
Yamaha PSR-E360B
Yamaha PSR-E360B

Yamaha has decided to gift the PSR-E360B keyboard reviewed in the latest issue of Music Teacher to a worthy educational cause.

In his review, Dale Wills described the keyboard as ‘Yamaha’s answer to the portable educational market’, writing that it integrates ‘a sleek, light entry-level piano with the digital wizardry which characterises Yamaha's commercial instruments’.

Please write to us at detailing, in no more than 200 words, why your chosen setting should receive the keyboard, and MT's new Editorial Advisory Board will select a winner. Remember to include all relevant information and contact details. 

Closing date: 15 November.