
Faber Music launches music education research project

UK instrumental music teachers are invited to share their thoughts as part of the project, and will be given a year-long 20% discount on all Faber Music educational books for participating.
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In collaboration with Sound Connections, leading independent music publisher Faber Music has announced it will be undertaking a research project to increase its understanding of the needs of instrumental music teachers and students across the UK. 

As part of the project it invites instrumental music teachers across the UK to share their thoughts. 

Publishing director at Faber Music, Lesley Rutherford, feels it is ‘imperative’ that we listen to music teachers, and that the publishers does what it can to support them. ‘Finding out more about the challenges [teachers] face as well as what inspires them will help us serve their needs better’, she adds. 

According to Phillip Flood, director of Sound Connections, the research aims to identify important trends and changes within the music education landscape.

Faber Music: Peripatetic and Private Music Teachers Survey (