
ISM opens annual UK-wide fees survey

Teachers, examiners and accompanists are invited to complete the survey by 30 November and help paint an ‘accurate picture of the landscape of teaching' in the UK.

The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) has opened its annual fees survey for 2022, calling on all UK-based music teachers, examiners and accompanists to respond by the end of November 2021. 

Open to both ISM members and non-members, this year’s survey will focus on fees paid to private teachers, fees paid to singing and instrumental teachers in schools and other educational establishments, fees paid for accompanying work, fees paid to examiners, and the impact of COVID-19 on delivery method, fees, and amount of employment. 

Alix Naylor of Naylor Research Partnership summarised the results of the 2021 survey in an MT column last month, and will be analysing the latest results, with a full report set to be released in early 2022. 

Last year’s survey attracted 383 responses, which is lower than previous years - in the analysis, Naylor suggested that this itself may have been indicative of the effects of the pandemic. 

A subject association for music and professional body for music teachers in the UK, the ISM hopes that the data gathered will give ‘an accurate picture of the landscape of teaching in all four countries of the UK’. 

The survey can be completed at