
ISM to investigate the impact of accountability measures in schools

The ISM has announced it plans to investigate the impact of accountability measures in school, with an eye to protect the provision of Music across the UK.
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In her New Year’s message to the music sector, the Independent Society of Musicians’ chief executive, Deborah Annetts, outlined plans to investigate the impact of accountability measures in connection with schools.

Announcing ISM’s new campaign alongside partners, she explained, ‘With school budgets squeezed, there are reports that music could make way to save money. We won’t stand by and let that happen.’

Alongside this promise for 2023, Annetts outlined previous work the ISM has done for the music education sector over the past year, citing two reports: Music: a Subject in Peril? and The Case for Change.

In collaboration with the APPG for music education – a group chaired by Wera Hobhouse MP – the group analysed music entries in 2022 and responded to the stark decline in GCSE and A Level entries since the introduction of the EBacc.

Most recently, the ISM also expressed disappointment over the lack of a teaching bursary for music teachers in 2023 – something that the sector has been calling for ever since the scheme was introduced – and that the initial teacher training targets are not being met.

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