
Music education charity Music Masters launches diversity audit tool

I’M IN is a tool that aims to support the music sector to become a more diverse and inclusive place for those who will 'shape the soundtrack to our lives for years to come’.
Benjamin Ealovega

UK music education charity Music Masters has launched a complete version of I’M IN, a diversity audit tool designed to dismantle racism, encourage accountability, and drive systemic change within the music sector.

Following a pilot scheme in 2020, the charity has released a full and upgraded version of the tool, available either for free through an ‘independent route’ or for £750 through a ‘supported route’, which includes guidance from an advisor.

Chief executive of Music Masters, Roz De Vile, said: ‘Through I’M IN, we aim to build a community of like-minded organisations who will stand together with us to drive positive change.’

I’M IN - the Inclusive Music Index works by focusing on 10 organisational areas for teams to consider and discuss: 

  • Motivation
  • Leadership and accountability
  • Operational responsibility 
  • Organisational culture
  • Recruitment
  • Managing talent
  • Audience diversity 
  • User experience
  • Marketing and branding
  • Procurement

De Vile added: ‘Music Masters has created a tool that can support, challenge, and encourage music organisations to identify, explore and understand areas of inequality within their own structures, cultures, processes, and programmes, enabling them to take deep and meaningful action from the inside out.

‘Music Masters is committed to long-term, sustained change to make the music sector a more diverse and inclusive place, not only for now, but for future generations of aspiring young musicians, teachers, sound engineers, artistic directors, producers and so many others who will shape the soundtrack to our lives for years to come.’

Previously known as London Music Masters, the charity recently rebranded as Music Masters, reflecting the work it does across the UK delivering instrumental lessons to primary children in areas of disadvantage and supporting teachers through its PGCEi courses.