
MusicFirst Young Composers Competition encourage secondary school students to enter

Composition Awards
Winners of the annual competition will be presented with a professionally engraved bound copy of their score and will take part in a masterclass with renowned composer Judith Weir.
Adobe Stock/ Barcelona Dreams
Adobe Stock/ Barcelona Dreams

Submissions are open for the MusicFirst Young Composers Competition 2021; students between the ages of 11 and 18 who compose their own original scores are invited to enter, with only one work permitted per student. 

The submissions will be evaluated by a team of qualified musicians and educators based on compositional technique, musicality and originality. Pieces must be composed by one student, and any scores that have been created by multiple students will be disqualified. 

Two finalists and one winner will be selected from three age-group categories: 11–14; 15–16; 17–18. The finalists will participate in a live virtual masterclass with Judith Weir, where she will provide commentary on each of the students' work and announce the winner of each category. This ceremony will take place at 4pm, 18 November 2021. 

Visit MusicFirst’s website for more information, or to enter the Young Composers Competition.

The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2021.