
National Youth Choirs of Great Britain reveal their 2021 audition dates and free taster events

The National Youth Choirs of Great Britain (NYCGB) has today announced its 2021 National Youth Girls’, Boys’ and Training Choirs audition dates, and two free virtual taster days.

Auditions are taking place entirely online through Zoom for the second year running, and will be held in October and November. Booking for auditions will open on 7 September and close on 10 October. 

National Youth Boys’ and Girls’ Choirs members are aged 9–14, and National Youth Training Choir members are aged 15–18. NYCGB also offer the National Youth Choir and National Chamber Choir for singers aged 18 and above. 

Those who pass auditions will become members, and will have the opportunity to attend residential courses and concerts twice a year in spring and summer. NYCGB also provides members with training from world-class musicians and coaches, opportunities to take part in recordings released on NYCGB’s digital label, perform at high profile venues, and also develop skills whilst making life-long friends. 

NYCGB is offering two free online events for those interested in becoming a member. They will be held on 10 September and 1 October. For booking details for these taster events, visit their website. 

Ben Parry, NYCGB’s artistic director & principal conductor said: ‘We’re so excited to announce this year’s auditions for our world-class National Girls’, Boys’ and Training Choirs. We’re looking for the most talented singers across the length and breadth of the country to audition. It’s never been more important to emphasise that we want to meet singers from all backgrounds and across all musical styles. 

‘We particularly encourage young people of Black, Asian & ethnically diverse backgrounds and those who are disabled to audition. We are also determined that household income should not be a barrier to being part of NYCGB and our Financial Assistance Scheme is there to support those who need it, including the cost of an audition. We look forward to seeing you at an audition soon!'

Auditions cost £20, and financial assistance is available. Anyone on free school meals can audition for free. For more information about financial assistance, visit their website.