
Nikki Yeoh launches after school course at Music Education Islington

British jazz pianist Nikki Yeoh is teaching a new course for those under 18 from 17 January.
Nikki Yeoh
Nikki Yeoh - Nick White

Educator and renowned jazz pianist Nikki Yeoh has joined Music Education Islington (MEI) with a new course for those aged 6–18, ‘Jazz, Funk, Fusion, Afrobeat, Experimental and beyond band practice’. 

Every week the after-school class will learn pieces as a group; participants will learn how to play solo as well as part of a band.

At the end of each term the group will have a performance where young musicians can get used to playing in front of others. 

The course will be taught by Yeoh and Binker Goldling at MEI’s new music centre at the Elizabeth Garret Anderson School on Mondays from 4.30 – 6.30pm. 

Discounts are available for those who live or attend school in Islington, and any young musician who can play all twelve notes on their instrument can join. 

Yeoh said: 'I was born and raised in Islington, it’s my manor! Therefore the opportunity to work with my local community, through the art form I love, is a dream come true.

'Islington is still one of the most deprived boroughs in London. Music transcends class barriers, heals the spirit and create pathways into further education and beyond.'

Yeoh teaches piano at the Camden School for Girls and Portland Place School, runs jazz ensembles for Camden Music and is a monitor for Music for Youth. In BBC Young Jazz Musician 2020 she held the position of musical director for the finalists. 

MEI provides music education in the borough of Islington, led by Islington Council with Guildhall School of Music & Drama as the lead delivery partner.

Bursaries are available for the new course. Find out more here.