
Non-professional group music-making rules not eased until at least 17 May

A week after Making Music sent an open letter to DCMS, a government spokesperson has confirmed that Covid rules for non-professional performing arts in England will not be eased before Step 3, no earlier than 17 May.

Amateur choirs, orchestras and bands of more than six people in England are unable to meet outdoors for rehearsals, while other participative group activity is permitted. 

Despite updated guidelines from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) for the second phase of the country’s exit strategy from Covid restrictions, people can only take part in non-professional performing arts activity outdoors in groups of up to six or as a group of two households. Indoor non-professional performing arts activity is not currently permitted.

Making Music, the UK’s membership organisation for leisure-time music groups, has expressed disappointment having been expecting confirmation of a change in these rules from 12 April, when Step 2 came into effect. 

On 13 April, the organisation wrote an open letter to secretary of state for Culture, Media and Sport Oliver Dowden, calling for community music making groups to be allowed to meet outside in larger groups ‘with immediate effect’.

MT contacted the DCMS for comment, and a government spokesperson said: ‘We understand that people are keen to get back to singing together. Rules on non-professional performance are in line to be eased at Step 3 in the roadmap at the same time as wider performing arts reopens.’

Research conducted among Making Music member groups has shown that around two thirds of their participants have engaged with online provision. The organisation estimates that this has led to the exclusion of at least a quarter of a million people across the nation who would usually actively engage in music. 

Barbara Eifler, Making Music’s chief executive, said: ‘I am puzzled by this unwarranted distinction between amateur football, gardening or photography clubs and community music activity. 

‘Last autumn, when meeting was permitted, Making Music members demonstrated their ability to risk assess their sessions, implement required mitigations and rehearse safely. Why not let them meet now and experience the healing effect of group singing and playing?’

Making Music has also raised concerns about the possible postponement of Step 3 to later than 17 May due to increased risk of Covid variants. 

The DCMS has highlighted ‘high public health risks’ around singing, playing some musical instruments, shouting, and physical activity due to increased risk of COVID-19 transmission through small droplets and aerosols. 

Making Music’s open letter can be read here

Updated guidance from DCMS can be found here