
Professor George Odam obituary

Kenneth Shenton celebrates the life and work of distinguished composer, writer and music educator, professor George Odam (1938–2022).
Professor George Odam
Professor George Odam

While undoubtedly a musician of formidable intellect, imagination and technique, George Odam, who died in March aged 83, was also one of the most significant and influential figures in music education throughout the second half of the last century. 

With interests across all the arts, this particular champion of creative music making emerged as one of the most dynamic of that immediate post-war generation of movers and shakers who achieved so much in often difficult circumstances. 

Whether as an academic, a composer, conductor or writer, for him the most appropriate way to study school music was through the sound it made. It was a view he never ceased to propound with great vision, helping turn the subject into an international movement.

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