
RNCM to boost music education in Cumbria

Thanks to a generous gift from the Benny Walker Charitable Trust, the Royal Northern College of Music is extending its music education programme RNCM Engage to school-aged people in west Cumbria
Courtesy of Robin Clewley

The major investment over five years will enhance access to high-quality music education and training, providing access to a programme of expert tuition, support and CPD for teachers based in Cumbria. RNCM Engage will deliver this in partnership with Cumbia Music Hub (part of Cumbria County Council), forming a collaborative project that extends to RNCM students playing a role as tutors and role models, developing their own skills and experience in the process. The vision of RNCM Engage west Cumbria (focusing on Allerdale and Copeland) is for young people to explore and experience music irrespective of background or personal circumstance.

Marion Hinds, Lead for Cumbria Music Education Hub, said: ‘This is such good news for children in Cumbria and the whole music and music education scene. This investment will not only be a model of best practice, but enables us to make a step-change in ensuring local young people benefit from the best possible music education.’

Rhiannon McKay-Smith, RNCM Director of Development, said: ‘We are so thankful to have received what is the most significant philanthropic donation the RNCM has received in recent history and it will be transformational for the musical lives of children and young people in this area. We all know what a powerful force music has on society and we want to inspire and enhance young musicians’ music learning so some of them can see a future career in music.’

The RNCM trains 1,000 undergraduate and postgraduate music students each year. The focus of RNCM Engage is to foster talent and inspire young people to make music, while creating progression pathways into Conservatoire education and on into the music profession. Currently, the RNCM offers c.7,000 opportunities each year to young musicians through its innovative range of music-making and training projects.

On 1 April 2023 Cumbria County Council will be replaced by Westmorland and Furness Council and Cumberland Council. Cumbria Music Hub will continue to work on a Cumbria-wide basis.