
Sing Up releases Christmas singing safety guidance for schools

The CEO of Sing Up, Michelle James, has put together some suggestions for both in-person and recorded winter performances.
Courtesy Sing Up

Sing Up, a not-for-profit company that aims to encourage and support singing with children and young people, has released a list of advice to ensure the safety of students when singing together this winter. 

The guidance includes ensuring singers are socially distanced, taking regular breaks from the singing space, maintaining ventilation, purchasing an air filter, testing any guests and using hand sanitiser. 

Recorded performances are also mentioned in the guidance, with advice listed to help teachers plan and execute an online carol service or concert. 

At the start of the guidance, James states: ‘We know that some schools are feeling nervous about their Christmas concerts and nativities but that disappointing the pupils is the last thing anyone wants after everyone’s hard work preparing and excitement about performing live for an audience.’

Sing Up members are encouraged to share any recordings they take of students singing content from the company's Song Bank, using the @singuptweets tag on twitter. 

To read the full list of guidance, visit