
Fan the spark into a flame: April 2019 Editorial

It feels like the tide may be turning

I'm writing this shortly after the London iteration of the Music & Drama Education Expo and what an amazing experience that was! It was wonderful to see such a large and enthusiastic gathering of music educators all coming together to share their skills and experiences with colleagues across the sector. I had a great time getting to know some of you and I look forward to seeing many of the plans that were talked about come to fruition over the next 12 months. If you were there, I hope that you had a wonderful time and that you're planning on returning in 2020; if you weren't, then I hope to see you next year.

In each day's opening speech, I said that as long as I was the editor of this magazine, music teachers would always have a platform to make their voices heard. It is a pledge that I am more than happy to reaffirm on this page. I was beyond proud to have the opportunity to interview Nicola Benedetti and Miloš Karadaglić, and to welcome back my predecessor Claire Jackson to interview Lang Lang.

This powerful triumvirate all spoke passionately about music education and the need for community to keep the sparks of music alive in young people.

Despite the cuts to music education, we know that those flames refuse to die out – that is all down to the hard work that you as music educators do every single day. Every day, more and more voices are added to the chorus that is crying out for change and if the atmosphere at both the Expo and the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence are anything to go by, it feels like the tide may be turning after so many years of being held back. What I experienced in March was a joyous coming together and a doubling down to protect the things we hold dear.

This editorial comes at an odd time: it will be printed before the Brexit deadline on 29 March and will be read after it. Whatever follows on from here is unclear but, as with most things, we stand a better chance of success if we band together – that is what Expo means to me.

All that's left to say is bring on Manchester!

This issue we're looking at the many exciting careers and courses that await both you and your students. Whether that is developing as a contemporary musician (page 41), doing an online Certificate for Music Educators (page 24), or going on a retreat in East Neuk (page 34), there is bound to be something in here that appeals to you.