
Have your say: Letters to the Editor October 2018

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There is currently a lot of activity – from a range of music organisations – with the collective aim to inform the development of a refreshed National Plan for Music Education. Through the Music Education Council's (MEC) survey a clear, coherent message that has overwhelming support is emerging (see MEC report June 2018).

Seven MEC seasonal seminars will have taken place over a period of 20 months, with the final seminar, focussing on inclusion, to be held in Bristol on 12 December. Special interest groups looking at research, early years, singing, curriculum and quality, continuing professional development, music technology, special educational needs and disabilities, further and higher education and initial teacher education, industry and lifelong learning are all contributing to a position statement that will be ready for wider consultation in January.

MEC member organisations and others have also been busy. The findings of their surveys and of initiatives such as the Music Commission, which is expected to report in November, will all feed into MEC's position statement. A spring 2019 seminar will offer the opportunity for sector-wide discussion prior to the statement being presented to Arts Council England and the Department for Education. MEC has also applied for a slot in the 2019 Music Education Expo À London so we may even see you there! If you want further information or to get involved, contact Angela at admin@mec.org.uk or write directly to me at halla@globalnet.co.uk.

Richard J Hallam, chair, Music Education Council