
MU column: prioritising mental health in your teaching practice

Wellbeing has become an important priority for many musicians in recent years. Yvonne Wyroslawska, vice chair of the Musicians' Union education section committee, shares how a focus on mental health has shaped and strengthened her work.
 Yvonne Wyroslawska
Yvonne Wyroslawska - Julie Howden

I have been a freelance musician for almost 20 years, delivering music education and community music projects across Scotland and internationally. I specialise in early years music education using the Colourstrings approach and Kodály-inspired practice, designing and delivering music projects for very young children and their families and delivering training for musicians, teachers and education professionals.

Pre-Covid, I was delivering music projects in schools, nurseries and informal settings, and developing projects for various local authorities, organisations and institutions. Some particularly interesting work included a collaborative intergenerational research project with the University of Stirling which involved preschool children and adults living with dementia; developing a series of early years workshops based on orchestral repertoire for the Royal Scottish National Orchestra; and a residency in Ghana learning folksong, drumming and dancing.

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