
Plan into action: August 2022 Editorial

One sensible plan has emerged from amid the chaos

In the January 2012 MT editorial, the then editor Chris Walters wrote of the newly published National Plan for Music Education in England: ‘in the current climate, any kind of funding commitment is a positive outcome’. A decade and a new National Plan later, this sentence still applies; although with the cost of living soaring and a gaggle of Tory leaders seemingly determined to back-stab, blunder, and contradict their way to the top, we arguably find ourselves in more of a ‘crisis’ than a ‘climate’.

The ring-fenced £25m for musical instruments and equipment set out in the new NPME is, then, something to be celebrated. Besides, as Phil Castang points out, it's not about ‘us and them’ – them being the government (or, at least, civil servants at the DfE and DCMS) – it's about ensuring that the plan grows legs so that every child has access to ambitious, progressive music education (see here for guidance for primary schools).

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