
Homeschooling Column: Music from home

Strings Curriculum
In a new column, journalist Hazel Davis shares what she has learnt from homeschooling her children.
 ‘Playing together von Trapp style’: the Melling-Davis children enjoying their musical curriculum
‘Playing together von Trapp style’: the Melling-Davis children enjoying their musical curriculum

So, like the rest of the country I have recently been home-educating our two children (aged seven and nine). Unlike most of the country I've been doing it for the last seven or so years. I'm not saying that the decision to home-educate was 100% influenced by music, but the idea of spending some time every day playing and singing together von Trapp style might well have tipped the balance. In fact, music features heavily on our curriculum (such as it is), as evidenced by the fact that both girls spent three hours yesterday afternoon practising their violins and composing. Bliss.

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