
ISM Column: Touring post-Brexit

Dr Naomi Bath, senior research and policy officer at the Incorporated Society of Musicians, offers some guidance for youth orchestra organisers facing the uncertainty of touring the EU after Brexit.

Brexit and music education might seem like the most unlikely pairing – but they are deeply entwined.

In my role at the ISM leading on research and policy, the two main areas I work on are music education and the impact of Brexit on the music profession. I used to view these policy areas as discrete topics, but at the last meeting of the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) for Music Education, they were brought together for the first time.

In both contexts, music is under threat. We know from the APPG's report State of the Nation, coauthored with the ISM and the University of Sussex, that music education in state schools is in serious decline due to the EBacc and other accountability measures. We know from ISM research that Brexit is already having a significant impact on the lives of professional musicians. We also know how valuable the music industry is to the UK economy – some £4.5bn per year.

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