
Music & Drama Education Expo | Manchester 2019

The summer holidays are fast approaching and once school starts again in September, we'll be well into our final preparations for this year's northern iteration of our popular Music & Drama Education Expo. The event, the largest of its kind in Europe, is taking place on Thursday 10 October and is returning to Old Trafford. Here we tell you a bit more about the Expo and how to ensure that you don't miss out!

Why should you attend?

CPD Sessions

We offer 20 fun sessions which cover a wide range of topics such as:

  • Warm-up and motivational ideas
  • New educational trends
  • Great ideas for Early Years education
  • SEND and inclusion
  • Updates on new technologies
  • Latest developments in policy and funding
  • Helpful tips and advice for private practitioners.


Learn from expert speakers and take away not only notes, but practical ideas and inspiration that you will be able to take into your classroom the very next day. All of the content is chosen by the editors of Music Teacher and Teaching Drama and approved by an advisory board of music and drama teachers, so you can be assured that the sessions will meet your needs.

The full timetable will be available online by the time you read this and will also be published in the August issue of Music Teacher. From now until October, we will also feature profiles with some of the speakers and exhibitors to give you a taste of what you can expect.


With up to 1,000 visitors, Music & Drama Education Expo | Manchester is the perfect networking opportunity and serves as a sharing platform for private tutors and peripatetic teachers, as well as single-teacher departments which are so common in the creative arts education landscape.

Meet and discuss with other like-minded colleagues and pick each other's brains at our Manchester show. Our Networking Café, sponsored by Rocksteady, is the ideal opportunity to relax and make new contacts in the creative sector. This year, the café will also host the introduction of fireside chats to the Manchester Expo. These always prove popular at our London Expos, with previous guests including Bill Bailey, Al Murray, Lang Lang, Miloš and Jonathan Lloyd Webber.


Every year we attract over 60 of the leading brands in the music and drama education sector. Speak to publishers, exam boards, providers and so much more.

Come along and browse their catalogue, try out the latest instruments, or play with the most recently developed technology.

There is something for everyone and, what's best, most of our exhibitors offer great discounts, freebies and prize draws that you will not find anywhere else. Pick up all the tools you need at the show to reach your creative goals!

Who should attend?

At Music & Drama Education Expo, we welcome all to attend whether you're a teacher, enthusiast, or even a student. The show invites all to come and get a feel for the creative education sector.

At the Manchester show we offer 20 high-quality sessions for everyone involved in music, performing arts or drama education including:

  • Early Years practitioners
  • Primary and secondary teachers
  • Instrumental teachers (peripatetic or private)
  • Drama workshop leaders
  • Heads of departments
  • Hub and music service leaders
  • Management and administration
  • Performers
  • Student teachers.


How to attend

To register for FREE, please visit musicdramamanchester19.reg.buzz. Once you've registered, we'll be able to send you all of the latest news regarding the event, making sure that you're up to date.

We recognise that it can be difficult to arrange time off during term time, which is why we have prepared letter templates for you to send to your line manager. We believe that time at the Expo is time well spent for any music or drama educator – what you learn here will improve your teaching and provide a worthwhile return on the time that you have invested.


Enough from us though, what have other people been saying about the Expo?

  • ‘A great day at the Music & Drama Education Expo – thanks to everyone for all the ideas and opportunities to network.’ Steven Roberts, conductor
  • ‘Thank you for creating a wonderful opportunity for arts colleagues to meet and learn together.’ Cate Madden, Edsential music adviser
  • ‘A useful event to meet delegates who are looking for the work we provide but have not yet heard of us. Also, a great chance to meet other similar organisations and network within the community.’ Lowri Davies, administrator, The Voices Foundation

For more details, please visit the dedicated portal musicanddramaeducationexpo.co.uk/Manchester