
What comes next? New Conservatoire courses 2019

Though the fundamentals of music remain largely unchanged, the ways in which we teach them and the emphasis we choose to place will continue to vary. Up and down the UK, conservatoires are vying to nurture the next generation of musical talent and will alter their offerings to meet trends and demands. We tasked Rebecca Pizzey with finding out what students have in store for them this year
 object blue (left) and Piksel are two succesful electronic musicians who studied at Guildhall
object blue (left) and Piksel are two succesful electronic musicians who studied at Guildhall - Chris Christodoulou

Located in the heart of Manchester, the Royal Northern College of Music has just launched the unique European Chamber Music Master (known as an ECMAster) course, which gives established ensembles the opportunity to study with renowned professors within different European institutions.

According to the website, ensembles spend the first and fourth semesters studying with world-class teachers at the RNCM. Players focus on the development of their artistic and technical skills, on their principal instrument, and on enriching their ability to ‘convey musical expression in a chamber group’.

All students then spend the second and third semesters at two of six partner institutions: Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Onlus, Italy; Norges musikkhøgskole, Norway; Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Austria; Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, France; Koninklijk Conservatorium, Netherlands; and Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija, Lithuania. David Horne, head of the graduate school, says: ‘Students benefit from the different cultural backgrounds and heritages associated with studying in different countries.’

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