Q&A: John Davie

Tips for teachers
Following up on last month's coverage of the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence, we caught up with John Davie of the Chiltern Music Academy. Davie was given the lifetime achievement award, which is sponsored by the Incorporated Society of Musicians, in recognition of his many decades of service to music education
 Davie was presented with his award by Deborah Annetts, the chief executive of the ISM
Davie was presented with his award by Deborah Annetts, the chief executive of the ISM

Well, I said to my son that I had received a hoax email and he had to tell me that it wasn't!

Well, I'm normally quite a good speaker but I was flabbergasted really. The person who nominated me said some lovely things that brought tears to my eyes. They said that they did it because I care about the kids and because I strive for excellence. Well, we just do this work because it's what we love, don't we? We don't do it because we expect to see anything at the end of the tunnel. If you're in teaching there's not many great rewards, so this was a lovely surprise.

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