
Book Reviews: I Wish I Didn't Quit Music Lessons

Jane Werry reviews I Wish I Didn't Quit Music Lessons by Nathan Holder, published by Holders Hill Publishing.

If we could receive a pound for every time an adult said to us ‘I wish I didn't give up my music lessons when I was younger’, most music teachers could retire immediately and comfortably, or at least afford an unusually luxurious holiday. This book aims to give parents a whole arsenal of ammunition to prevent their children's musical endeavours from falling by the wayside.

We've all shaken our heads at some point at the unfulfilled potential of some of the young people we teach, who fail to stick at their music long enough to reap the rewards, never becoming proficient musicians who can enjoy their music wholeheartedly. Nathan Holder's book aims to support parents in understanding the musical journey, its pitfalls and dangers, and the range of possible destinations to which it might lead.

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