
Sheet Music Reviews: Lyrical Flute Legends

Claire Jackson reviews Lyrical Flute Legends by Karen North, published by Allegro Publishing.
 Lyrical Flute Legends
Lyrical Flute Legends

Lyrical Flute Legends is the latest title from enterprising flautist and educator Karen North, who is behind the excellent The Young Flute Player series – a six-part collection of titles aimed at beginners. There is a gap in the market for high-quality, interesting pieces for intermediate flute players who want to experience music beyond the constraints of the exam syllabus. Too often, sheet music at this level comprises poorly arranged classics or solo pieces that are more like studies. Lyrical Flute Legends offers a broad compilation of works for flute and piano with a focus on the flute's distinctive tone.

North has commissioned several pieces especially for the collection. Fellow Antipodean Elena Kats-Chernin's ‘Crispin’ series is particularly delightful. The three works explore aspects of a cat's character – curiosity, dreaming and mischief-making – through beautifully written idiomatic melodies (the first miniature provided an enjoyable earworm that lasted for days). Greg Harradine's ‘Waltz for Lyra’ also stands out: inspired by the popular heroine in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, the ethereal dance is irresistibly catchy. It's a great opportunity to discuss intersectionality in art with students who might need a break from the usual topics.

There is a mixtape quality to Lyrical Flute Legends – the contemporary works are interspersed with arrangements of well-known pieces including ‘Pineapple Rag’ by Scott Joplin and Brahms's ‘Little Swallow’. The latter's translation from lieder to flute piece works particularly well. Given the variety of music available in this publication, the book should last players several years (the level spans Grade 2 to Grade 5, but Grade 6+ will find light-hearted relief here too).

All the pieces have been recorded – both in their entirety and as piano backing tracks – and are freely available via YouTube. Flautist Jessica Lee and pianist Brieley Cutting's performances are both excellent and will inspire rather than intimidate. The typesetting is neat and clear, and, although the front cover is a little flimsy, the paper is a nice weight – at £19.50 it feels like excellent value for money.

Lyrical Flute Legends has the support of the great and the good in the fluting world, including the king and queen of flutes, Sir James Galway and Lady Jeanne Galway, who have judged a competition linked to the publication. Entrants – teachers and students – were invited to submit a video of themselves playing a piece from the collection, with several prizes given out for different categories.