
Tech Reviews: Jamstix 4

Tony Cliff reviews Jamstix 4 from Rayzoon.

As a longstanding user of Jamstix 3 I was pleased to see the release of this fourth version after such a lengthy development period. Initially Jamstix 4 is available for PC only, but the Mac version is expected soon. Unlike most other drum software programs, Jamstix does not rely on MIDI loops, but operates instead through an intelligent drum ‘brain’ capable of creating an entire drum track for your song. This removes the tedium of sifting through countless loops to find ones that are suitable.

Talk to your drummer

The software is easy to operate but reveals huge hidden depths as you explore it – and it works in a musical way, rather like explaining your song structure and style to a human drummer. The program loads as a plug-in within any DAW program. In the ‘Song Builder’ you lay out the structure – Intro, Verse, Chorus, Bridge and so on – then set the number of bars for each before choosing your groove style from the wide range available. By default, verses and choruses will be linked so that if you edit one, linked parts will be similarly altered – although you can turn linking off if you prefer. Once your structure is in place, you choose a drummer from the range of drummers within your chosen groove style and then choose a drum kit from the style categories (remembering that you can change anything later). Finally click ‘Create Song’ for the song structure to appear and when you play your DAW, Jamstix 4 will magically perform a complete drum part, changing playing style appropriately for each section of the song – even including fills.

You can make simple modifications such as changing repeats, adding or removing fills, and adjusting the power for each part. You can also adjust the ‘Shuffle’ setting either for the whole song or individual sections. With this adjustment you can make any rock beat into a shuffle or create a swing feel for jazz.

You are not limited to one drummer per song – you could have one for the verses and possibly a different drummer for the choruses. Similarly you could switch the groove for different song sections – a rock-style verse and then moving to a Latin feel for the chorus. The tempo of Jamstix is dictated by your DAW, but you can set the feel to be slightly behind the beat or ahead either for the whole song or individual sections.

The 3D Visual Drummer

An exciting aspect of Jamstix 4 is the 3D visual drummer playing all your grooves onscreen. This is a particularly instructive feature, as you see the right-hand and left-hand stick movements as well as the hi-hat and bass drum feet, clearly illustrating actual drum-playing techniques. You can change the viewpoint so that you can observe from above or behind and, if you have a large display or several displays, you can let it completely fill the screen. As you make edits you can see as well as hear what the changes are doing to the playing, which is both fun and useful.

Jamstix is easy to operate but has ‘huge hidden depths’


Jamstix is very similar to the Drummer track found in Logic Pro and GarageBand, so if you are working in classrooms that are equipped with PCs but want some of the functionality found within Apple software, this could be the perfect solution. Pupils who play guitar or sing and want to include other instruments in their compositions, but who don't have a drummer available, could easily incorporate Jamstix into their work and have the effect of a live drum track without needing to worry about finding a performer. For teachers who like the idea of automated drum parts without reinvesting in Apple software, this could be the ideal tool.


Jamstix 4 is a brilliant program that makes building drum tracks a creative and fun process. The software is available as a download only, and comes in various editions ranging from the basic Jamstix 4 package at around £70 to the Jamstix Studio edition, which includes all the expansion kits and the hand percussion add-on Jamcussion, for around £180. There is a 40% educational discount available for those who qualify. A free edition is available with reduced capabilities so you can test out the basic operation before committing yourself. I recommend you visit the website for further information.

Jamstix does not limit you to one drummer per song

£70 (Basic); £180 (Studio)