
Tech Reviews: Sound Forge Pro 13

Music Tech
Tony Cliff gives us the lowdown on the latest version of the audio software
 Magix acquired Sound Forge Pro from Sony in 2016
Magix acquired Sound Forge Pro from Sony in 2016

Whether you are editing audio files or a radio podcast, it is advisable to use a dedicated audio editor, like Magix's Sound Forge or Steinberg's WaveLab, rather than a DAW. When it comes to the latter, you are likely to be recording and editing many different tracks at once, as well as adding effects, in order to achieve your final stereo mix. Contrastingly, an audio editor is designed to delve into the minute details of any audio file with the aim of enhancing, correcting and cleaning up extraneous noise that might spoil a polished product. A pro-level audio editor will also include the tools required to produce finished audio, correctly formatted for CD production or a DDP file (Disc Description Protocol). This is often preferred by duplication companies because it is frequntely more reliable than the physical CD disc master.

Evolution of Sound Forge Pro

Sound Forge was one of the earliest audio editing programs. Acquired by Sony in 2003, they released their final edition of the program (Sound Forge 11) in 2013. Three years later, German company Magix acquired the bulk of Sony's Creative software, which meant Magix could actively update and develop Sound Forge once more. These new developments include full 64-bit compatibility and VST support. While Sound Forge Pro 13 is currently a Windows-only program, there is a Mac version available with a reduced feature set.

Main features

The software is equipped with a comprehensive range of mastering and audio restoration tools, such as DeHisser, DeClicker, and DeClipper. Some of these are taken from Magix's most powerful DAW program – Sequoia. For instance, the ‘Wave Hammer’ function uses automatic mastering capabilities, while still giving the user full control over the final result.

The program also includes a feature known as ‘Pow-r Dithering’ which presents a set of three distinct algorithms for: spoken word, music with limited dynamic range and music with a wide dynamic range. There are also many on-board tools to edit and enhance audio files. With VST support you can add any of your favourite in programme plug-ins.

If you are preparing an album for production, Sound Forge offers CD burning, set up for professional audio CD production. Alternatively, the program can export a DDP master ready for sharing with your manufacturer.

iZotope included

Sound Forge Pro also includes iZotope's Ozone 8 Elements which contains pre-sets and macro controls to enhance your audio mastering. The Mastering Wizard will analyse your mix and suggest pre-sets and signal chains to set you on the right audio path. There is also a version of iZotope RX7 Elements included, which has many features for correcting clippings, removing background noise and hums, as well as silencing clicks or any other unwanted sounds. RX7 Elements works equally well with spoken audio production or music audio.

Detailed editing

Once a track is loaded into Sound Forge, you are likely to spot various unwanted sounds. These could include headphone bleed, mouth-clicks, coughs and throat clearing, loud guitar squeaks and distortion or unwanted percussive guitar sounds. In the software it is easy to zoom in on these by simply highlighting the area. Sometimes it is worth just to muting the section that will remove the noises. However, there may be occasions where you would like to physically remove the sound. In order to do this, zoom in, find the culprit within the wave file, cut out the problem, and then use the pencil tool to redraw the area.

In conclusion

The user can zoom into the waveform for detailed editing

Despite its numerous features, Sound Forge Pro 13 remains a logical and straightforward program. The new interface can be personalised to suit individual workflows and given a background hue to suit different lighting conditions.

To find out more about Sound Forge Pro 13 and its deluxe ‘suite’ version, visit

Price: £299 (retail)