
Tech Reviews: Valhalla Shimmer and Delay

Tim Hallas reviews Valhalla's Shimmer and Delay.
 Shimmer uses pitch shifting on the reverb tails for effects that evolve
Shimmer uses pitch shifting on the reverb tails for effects that evolve

Price: $50 each (£35)

Valhalla is a small plugin manufacturer that specialises in reverbs, delays and modulation effects. These are the effects that you use to make audio sound interesting by adding movement and ambience. I have had Shimmer for a while but this week I acquired Delay and decided that it was worth looking at both of them together in the context of teaching music.

Let's start with Shimmer because that was where I began. I first encountered this plugin when it was required for some third-party sounds that I was downloading for Apple's MainStage, which is a music application that is focussed on live performance rather than studio music-making. I had all of the requisite instruments but all of the sounds required Shimmer, which necessitated a trip to Valhalla's website to further investigate this unknown quantity. The first thing I was struck by was the price – $50 is quite reasonable for a plugin and once it's been bought, you can put it on all of your personal machines.

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