Teaching Materials | Extra-curricular music

Practice techniques

There’s so much that could be explored around the theme of practising, and it would be impossible to cover all of it in a single resource. Therefore, this resource is focused around particular...

Extra-curricular music

From improvisation to composition

This resource covers the basics of teaching improvisation, and the process of moving fluidly from scales to improvisation and from improvisation to composition, examining how these three elements...

Extra-curricular music

The Family Band

As a child, I was a very reluctant musician. My mum had a terrible battle trying to get me to practise, and she still delights in telling people how I used to hide under the bed rather than play my...

Extra-curricular music

Online resources for instrumental teachers

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down, professionally and personally. This is a brief and by no means comprehensive overview of some of the online resources that can enhance our...

Extra-curricular music

Practice and motivation

Motivating students is one of the most important – and also most difficult – jobs that a teacher can have. Without sufficient motivation, students won't learn new ideas, and will struggle to make any...

Extra-curricular music

Teaching piano to young beginners

This resource focuses primarily on teaching piano to younger beginners. It explores the right time to start learning an instrument, teaching notation and rhythm, forming a sound technical basis,...

Extra-curricular music

Learning through sound

This resource looks at placing sound at the forefront of everything you teach.

Extra-curricular music

Time management in instrumental lessons

This resource is intended to help visiting music teachers improve their time management in 20- to 30-minute lessons, teaching individual students or small groups.

Extra-curricular music

Starting out as a peripatetic piano teacher

This resource is intended to offer ideas about how to manage the transition from study to peripatetic teaching.

Extra-curricular music

Teaching a successful guitar group

Throughout my musical career, one of the main areas I've found to be a constant source of learning, encouragement and inspiration is playing and performing music with a group of people. Within a...

Extra-curricular music

Teaching a beginners' brass group

Group teaching is often thought of as the poor relation to individual music tuition. And that can certainly be the case if you try to teach groups in exactly the same way as you teach individuals. If...

Extra-curricular music

Making music during the holidays

In this resource, we consider some possible activities that can be used by students working away from school and can easily be adapted and edited to make them appropriate for a wide range of ages and...

Secondary education

Extra-curricular music