Teaching Materials | KS 3

World tour: Middle East

This is the fourth stop in our World Tour series, which began over a year ago and has so far visited the Caribbean, Latin America and China. This month we explore some of the vast and diverse...

Secondary education

Exploring rhythm

This resource looks closely at rhythm from both ends – the aural, non-notated, knowledge-of-music end; and the notation-based, knowledge-about-music end. Ideas for unpicking rhythm including learning...

Secondary education

Christmas projects for in-school and remote work

This resource is a selection box of ideas that you can choose from and adapt to suit your own situation. Listening, researching, composing and tech are all included and given a Christmas slant that...

Secondary education

World tour: China

In the January and September 2020 issues of Music Teacher, the first two in our KS3 World tour series of resources explored the music of the Caribbean and Latin America. This month we move to Asia and...

Secondary education

Sibelius at KS3: creating, composing and exploring

I have used music notation software Sibelius extensively over the years, and it’s a fantastic resource. This resource focuses on Sibelius, although other notation software packages are obviously...

Secondary education

Developing wider listening: the Baroque period

This is the first in a series of resources to help students develop their understanding and experience of music from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods, and from the 20th and 21st centuries.

Secondary education

Black classical composers

This resource has been inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and the stimulus of recent events for cultural discussion in the classroom. Black composers have been notoriously overlooked in the...

Secondary education

Dealing with Covid uncertainty

Approaching Covid-19 and the year ahead successfully will come down to thinking and teaching outside the box.
This article looks at how we might face those uncertainties, considering some of the...

Secondary education

World tour: Latin America

These resources provide background information and teaching ideas for Key Stage 3 class music lessons, with the aim of expanding students' knowledge and interest in music from other parts of the...

Secondary education

Online listening activities

This resource brings together five listening activities for students to do at home, to widen their listening experience. They have been written to help students in years 8, 9 and 10 to improve their...

Secondary education

Online music resources for the classroom

With the coronavirus pandemic causing the closure of schools and everyone staying at home, teachers are having to think quickly about the best ways to help students learn and progress in an unusual...

KS 3

Distance learning quizzes and activities

At this time of enforced distance learning, music teachers need strategies for work to set their multiple classes that give maximum value for minimum marking time. Multiple-choice quizzes can be set...

Online Learning