Teaching Materials | Instrumental

Group instrumental teaching in special education

The revised National Plan for Music Education’s stipulation that students in all schools – including special education schools. This resource begins by grounding our work within the social model of...

Teaching Materials

Self-employment part 3: relationships

In the first two resources of this three-part series on self-employment (Music Teacher, July 2023 and August 2023), we considered the main issues we need to think about when running a business as a...

Teaching Materials

Communication in musical performance

Communication is a much-cited criterion for formal assessment and informal judgments of performers and performances. All examination boards have clear criteria to work from, and communication forms...

Teaching Materials

Classroom and youth band improvisation

I love to improvise. It’s the most inventive, liberating and empowering form of musical self-expression I’ve ever experienced.

Teaching Materials

Self-employment part 2: pay

In the first resource of this three-part series on self-employment (Music Teacher, July 2023), I gave an overview of the main issues we need to consider when running a business as a self-employed...

Teaching Materials

Self-employment part 1: rights and responsibilities

Being self-employed gives you the freedom to dictate how you work, when you work and where you work. (Well, that’s at least in theory – if you’re working for a school, they may well treat you as a de...

Teaching Materials

Preparing students for playing in ensembles

I’m certain that every person reading this article can list the benefits of playing in an ensemble. We all want our students to thrive, and I’m sure that many of us have got a kick out of hearing them...

Teaching Materials

Early development for trumpet students

Learning a musical instrument requires a high level of multitasking. In addition to the often peculiar and unnatural physical actions that need to be synchronised in order to produce a sound, there...

Teaching Materials

Teaching across different brass instruments

There was a time when many professional brass players would have been multi-instrumentalists, but these days we tend to have only one main instrument that we study to a professional level. Any...

Teaching Materials

Warm-ups for guitar

The first question with warm-ups is: why should my students warm up? The simple answer is that it will make them better musicians.

Teaching Materials

Developing internal pulse

To forge a career in music, you have to possess an excellent internal metronome: you need to have developed an ability to feel the pulse of a piece of music, and to subconsciously count in your head...

Teaching Materials