Teaching Materials | Music Tech

Sonic Pi for music teachers

This resource has been written specifically to support the classroom music teacher in exploring new, innovative ways of delivering the music curriculum. The activities are aimed at older students, but...

Secondary education

OCR AoS6: Innovations of the 20th Century, part 2

Having covered late-Romantic symphonic styles, Impressionism, Expressionism, atonality and serialism in Part 1 of this resource (Music Teacher, December 2016), we resume our exploration of this vast...

Secondary education

Planning for better music technology provision

For this resource, I have revisited that publication and completely updated the recommendations I was making then - in the hope of providing some up-to-date guidance for teachers that adequately...

Secondary education

Teaching technology

In a previous Music Teacher resource (October 2015), we looked at the requirements for a technology performance in GCSE Music. In this resource, we are going to look at specific activities that you...

Secondary education