Teaching Materials

Practice techniques

There’s so much that could be explored around the theme of practising, and it would be impossible to cover all of it in a single resource. Therefore, this resource is focused around particular...

Extra-curricular music

World tour: Latin America

These resources provide background information and teaching ideas for Key Stage 3 class music lessons, with the aim of expanding students' knowledge and interest in music from other parts of the...

Secondary education

Building knowledge through the elements of music, part 1

It can be difficult to know where to start with teaching a GCSE syllabus: there are so many different parts to get to grips with. You might feel that you need to get cracking straight away with areas...

Secondary education

From improvisation to composition

This resource covers the basics of teaching improvisation, and the process of moving fluidly from scales to improvisation and from improvisation to composition, examining how these three elements...

Extra-curricular music

Distance-learning quizzes

Following on from the resource bringing together quizzes and activities for KS3 students (Music Teacher, May 2020), this resource contains a variety of multiple-choice quizzes on GCSE topics, which...

Secondary education

Online wider listening activities

Last month we provided five listening activities for Key Stages 3 and 4 students to do at home to widen their listening experience (Music Teacher, June 2020). Here are four more listening activities,...

Secondary education

The Family Band

As a child, I was a very reluctant musician. My mum had a terrible battle trying to get me to practise, and she still delights in telling people how I used to hide under the bed rather than play my...

Extra-curricular music

Online listening activities

This resource brings together five listening activities for students to do at home, to widen their listening experience. They have been written to help students in years 8, 9 and 10 to improve their...

Secondary education

Distance learning: planning and delivering live lessons

This resource looks in detail at providing live online lessons – essentially video conferences involving you and your students, with the aim of delivering musical content, and fostering some form of...

Secondary education

Online resources for instrumental teachers

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down, professionally and personally. This is a brief and by no means comprehensive overview of some of the online resources that can enhance our...

Extra-curricular music

Online music resources for the classroom

With the coronavirus pandemic causing the closure of schools and everyone staying at home, teachers are having to think quickly about the best ways to help students learn and progress in an unusual...

KS 3

Distance learning quizzes and activities

At this time of enforced distance learning, music teachers need strategies for work to set their multiple classes that give maximum value for minimum marking time. Multiple-choice quizzes can be set...

Online Learning