The elements of music have long been an important component of KS3 music. However, the elements of music are really just a set of labels and concepts under which sits a wealth of musical...
Anna Gower Teaching MaterialsThis resource looks at AQA's Area of Study 2, specifically computer gaming music since 1990. It will help with the study of computer gaming music, but will also consider some of the ways in which we...
James Manwaring Teaching MaterialsIn this resource, I will consider what ‘wider listening’ means, and how we can approach it in our teaching. There are some barriers that can easily be broken down, and some misconceptions that can...
James Manwaring Teaching MaterialsThis resource aims to provide resources and strategies for how to approach the area of study with your classes. These will include ideas for where to start with tackling the context of Classical...
Jane Werry Teaching MaterialsIn the first part of this resource (Music Teacher, August 2018) we looked at music by three of the five composers named by AQA in Area of Study 3: Music for Media – Bernard Herrmann, Hans Zimmer and...
Simon Rushby Teaching MaterialsIn the first part to this two-part resource (Music Teacher, July 2018), we tried to pin definitions on what it means to be musically creative, finding that the more you try to corner the concept, the...
Jonathan James Teaching Materials
Regardless of the multiple factors that affect what schools are able to offer and why, student engagement with
performing seems to play a major factor in why they choose to take music at all. With...
This resource aims to provide a structure for tackling the AoS, with advice on ways of presenting information to students and some ideas as to where to find useful teaching materials.
Jane Werry Teaching MaterialsAs a result of the jump from the freedom and flexibility at KS3 to a far more prescribed and fixed approach at GCSE, there’s a mixture of responses seen across music education forums and discussions...
Anna Gower Teaching MaterialsIn this resource, we will look at music by three of the five composers named by AQA in AoS3: Music for Media. For each composer, I provide an in-depth examination of an example of their music, a...
Simon Rushby Teaching MaterialsOf all the ‘New Directions’ works in the Edexcel A level Anthology, Saariaho's Petals is the only one written by a living composer (at the time of writing). It is without doubt one of the most...
David Guinane Teaching MaterialsThis is the first of two Music Teacher resources bringing you up to date on the latest creativity research, and hopefully helping you consider the subject afresh, encouraging reflection on who you are...
Jonathan James Teaching Materials