Online Teaching Materials

Downloadable resources for music teachers

Teaching materials are an integral part of a music teacher's practice. Every month Music Teacher publishes downloadable materials for KS3, 4 and 5, offering complete units of work, GCSE and A Level set-work guidance, and practical ideas across all levels for both classroom and peripatetic teachers. All materials are written by experienced teachers and examiners and provide indispensable content for your teaching.

If you would like to see an example of a Teaching Material, please click here.


Using technology to reduce workload

KS 3 KS 4 KS 5

Author: Dice Wood

Technology continues to move on at quite a pace, with new apps and websites constantly being developed. This resource is all about the gems that could help reduce workload, streamline a process, or...

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Getting and keeping boys singing

KS 3 KS 4 KS 5

Author: Jenna Brown

The absence of boys in choirs is a perennial problem. This resource will share insights from boys and men who have had a variety of experiences singing as children and teens, and suggest practical...

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Quick wins in KS3 composition

KS 3

Author: Richard Barnard

Nurturing confidence in composition is absolutely crucial. In this resource, we’ll look at different scenarios for KS3 groups with a range of composing experience. We’ll outline short ‘quick-win’...

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Working with parents, friends and your community

KS 3 KS 4 KS 5

Author: James Manwaring

A successful music department relies on the community around it – students, staff, parents, friends and the broader local community. Without all these elements, it’s hard to sustain a programme that...

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Starting a choir in your school

KS 3 KS 4 KS 5

Author: Jenna Brown

Whether you’re teaching in primary, secondary, post-16 or alternative provisions, singing in a choir is a fantastic opportunity to offer to young people. This resource introduces key considerations...

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Increasing music literacy without increasing marking

KS 3 KS 4

Author: Dice Wood

As music teachers, we know that music literacy is very important. This resource will look at ways we can increase students’ vocabulary across KS3 and 4, with short, time-efficient tasks that do not...

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Putting on a concert or event

KS 3 KS 4 KS 5

Author: James Manwaring

The aim of this resource is to provide music teachers with a toolkit that can be used to make sure that any concert or event is a success for staff, students and audiences.

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The one-person music department

KS 3 KS 4 KS 5

Author: James Manwaring

Working as a one-person music department is an important topic, and one that’s close to my heart. Being in this situation isn’t easy, but in this resource, we’ll be looking at some ideas on how to...

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Marketing your music department

KS 5 KS 4 KS 3

Author: James Manwaring

In this resource, we’ll be looking at how you can effectively market your music department. We’ll consider why this is something you should do, and also some of the steps you need to take. We’ll look...

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Online escape room games and low-stakes quizzing

KS 3 KS 4 KS 5

Author: Dice Wood

Low-stakes testing is considered a good tool in our repertoire, allowing us to understand what progress students have made and what needs consolidation before moving on. Exploring content when it’s...

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