Advertise with us

Music Teacher, part of MA Education & Music, can provide a range of advertising, bringing your brand to specialist music educators with whom we have built a loyalty and reputation. From full page adverts in our printed publications to MPU ads on our website or e-shots, we can help you reach your potential customers. 

What we can offer: 

  •   Print display advertising 

  •   Advertorials 

  •   Innovative print advertising, including cover wraps and belly bands 

  •   Listings, both in print and online 

  •   Website advertising 

  •   Product and website sponsorship 

  •   Email marketing, both e-newsletters and bespoke e-shots sent on behalf of the client to our opt-in data 

  •   Media partnering & promotion 

  •   Social media support 

We also offer Online Recruitment advertising on, if you are looking for your next Music Teacher, Instrumental/Vocal Peripatetic Teacher, Music Graduate or Technician. 

To discuss advertising options further, or to request a voucher copy, please contact Amy Driscoll (Publisher) on 020 7333 1719 or email 

The same team behind Music Teacher are responsible for the content and exhibition at the Music & Drama Education Expo, if you are interested in hearing more, please contact Amy on the details above.