
Voices Foundation accepts quarter of a million-pound grant

The grant from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation is the largest in the 29-year history of the Voices Foundation.
Voices Foundation

Music education charity Voices Foundation has announced that it is receiving a grant of £257,000 from Paul Hamlyn Foundation

To be distributed over three years, the award will help the foundation reach more pupils who are experiencing barriers to learning and help break down issues they face due to systemic inequality. 

This grant will enable the charity to collect in-depth data which will then be used to improve the delivery of its singing programmes and increase the positive outcomes for young people, school staff and children. The data will also be shared with the wider industry. 

Voices Foundation, which currently positively impacts over 50,000 students and mentors 1,405 teachers across the UK, aims to ensure music is accessible and inclusive for all. 

CEO of Voices Foundation, Manvinder Rattan, said: ‘I am so proud that Voices Foundation has been awarded such a substantial grant by Paul Hamlyn Foundation. It demonstrates the worth of the work we do and the effects it has on teachers, and through them the wellbeing and futures of our children.

'The grant will help power our evaluation work which in turn will help drive up the quality of what we do.’