
Practical classroom tech: Tech a walk

When the summer arrives, why not take music technology outside to enjoy the better weather? Heading outside with music technology is not only possible – it's easy. Tim Hallas shows us how.

As we head into the summer, students will be finishing their exams and the pressure should be easing up for most teachers. However, this does raise the issue of how to maintain motivation for pupils as they head towards the summer holidays. This is a particular issue for students who are ready to move on to the next challenge, be they heading off to a new school or starting their exam courses. One activity I have tried is using more of the school site and getting outside the classroom into the great outdoors.

When working outside you need to consider the technology that you use carefully. Laptops can be taken outside but desktop computers can't – at least, not easily. One software option that will help achieve this is the online app Soundtrap. This has been covered in detail in this column before so I won't go into detail, but it is a DAW that runs within the Chrome browser and stores the project online so it can be accessed remotely with any device so long as it runs Chrome. The advantage of Soundtrap is that because it can run on mobile devices it can be taken outside, while simultaneously being physically small and easy enough to move safely around a school site. You could even create literal field recordings with an outdoor studio.

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