
Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative CPD fund 2024–25 is now open

Applications are invited for funding to support individuals and organisations working with young musicians in Scotland

The Scottish Government’s Youth Music Initiative (YMI) currently has £48,000 to spend on continuing professional development for those working with young musicians.

People who work with children and young people in out-of-school activities may apply for funding to enable them to undergo CPD that will benefit their music-making projects. This is open to individuals, including freelance music teachers, and groups and networks.

Those eligible to apply are:

1. Individuals who are:

  • Already involved in the delivery of youth music projects OR
  • Seeking to take part in training to widen their career opportunities to include delivery of music projects OR
  • Aiming to further extend the range and scope of their skills-base within the delivery of youth music projects.

2. Organisations who wish to provide training and professional development that will increase their capacity to develop and deliver improved music-making opportunities to young people.

All applicants must be resident in Scotland and working for the benefit of young people in Scotland.

The funding aims to help people delivering youth music to develop their skills and confidence; help the youth music sector develop, strengthen and become more sustainable; and ensure that supporting services will be of high quality, continually improving, efficient, and providing innovative responses to people’s needs.

Examples of CPD suggested are:

  • Professional development, eg training courses, conferences, masterclasses, mentoring, etc.
  • Receiving private tuition that will lead to improved skills in a particular genre or instrument
  • Development, design and delivery of specialist training courses.
  • Study visits to research delivery methodology currently not widespread in Scotland
  • Learning how to use new technology in creative ways.

 Partnership funding of at least 10% – cash or in-kind – is required.

The Scottish Government launched YMI in 2003 to put music at the heart of children and young people’s lives and learning. It currently operates with an annual budget of £9 million and supports all musical genres, age groups and teaching methods. The CPD and Training Fund is funded by the Scottish Government’s Youth Music Initiative through Creative Scotland.

The funding is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The final deadline for applications is 31 March 2025.

Full terms and conditions may be found here.