
Expo London Exhibitor showcase: Manhasset Music Stands

Next year's Music & Drama Education Expo | London sees a number of new and exciting exhibitors for you to come and meet. We spoke to Dan Roberts, president of the Manhasset Specialty Company about his plans for the March 2020 event.
 A colourful range of mic stands are available.
A colourful range of mic stands are available.

Can you tell me a little bit about the background of your organisation?

Manhasset is a manufacturer of great quality music stands and related accessories in the States. The company is the leading provider of music stands for schools, symphonies and studios because of our reputation for durability and performance. Manhasset music stands are available for purchase in Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, Africa, and North America.

How did you hear about the Music & Drama Education Expo | London?

Manhasset is quite active in participating in music educator shows in the USA and in Australia. We plan to become more active in participating in educator shows in the UK and other European countries to make music educators more familiar with the range of the Manhasset brand.

What will you be exhibiting at the Expo?

Manhasset will be showing a representation of the range of music stands we produce at the Expo. From our best-selling Symphony brand styles to our specialty stands. The breadth of the range is designed to help provide solutions for bands and orchestras as well as for individual musicians’ practice use.

I believe you are intending on holding a raffle on the day – what have you got as a prize?

Manhasset will be drawing winners of its music stand samples used in the booth display. We expect to give away nearly 20 items!

What would you like to say to music teachers to encourage them to come and see you at your stand?

We invite music teachers to stop by our stand to see the new products recently introduced by Manhasset and to get information on the dependability of the brand. The company is always working to make our music stands the best in the world, with unmatched quality from other manufacturers. Manhasset offers a lifetime warranty and we always like to explain why this is possible for a relatively inexpensive product, made in the USA.