
Meet the speaker: Jim Frankel

Product Showcase: Teaching Music in the Cloud

Workshop Theatre 13:55-14:30

Jim Frankel is the head of digital education for the Music Sales Group, and director of MusicFirst. Previously, he was the managing director of SoundTree, the Educational Division of Korg USA, and before that he was the instrumental and general music teacher at the Franklin Avenue Middle School in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey for 11 of his nearly 15 years in the state's public schools.

He completed his master's degree and Doctor of Education degrees in Music Education at Teachers College, Columbia in 2002. He has been teaching courses on music technology at Teachers College since 1999.

He is a widely published author in various state, national and international journals of music education. In addition to his writing, Frankel is a highly sought-after clinician in the local, national and international music education communities. He is on the board of directors for TI:ME (Technology in Music Education) and is the past president of ATMI (Association for Technology in Music Instruction).

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