Teaching Materials

OCR AoS2: The Concerto Through Time - the Romantic concerto

This month we will focus on the Romantic concerto. Specifically, students need to understand how the concerto developed through the 19th century, and how the role and instruments of the orchestra and...

Teaching Materials

OCR AoS6: Innovations of the 20th Century, part 1

This is the first of two Music Teacher resources covering OCR's AoS6. Here, we'll look at Late-Romantic, largescale symphonic works; Impressionism; and Expressionism, atonality and serialism. We'll...

Teaching Materials

Edexcel A level: Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring

This resource focuses initially on the context for Stravinsky's breakthrough, situating it among other musical innovations at the turn of the century. Stravinsky's early career and writing style are...

Teaching Materials

Edexcel GCSE music: AoS2 - Vocal Music

This article provides some teaching ideas and suggestions for Area of Study 2 of the Appraising component of the new Edexcel GCSE music course, which we will be starting with our Year 10s this term.

Teaching Materials

Edexcel GCSE: Beethoven's Pathétique Sonata

The first movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 is the longest and potentially most challenging of all the new Edexcel GCSE set works for teaching from 2016. This resource is about how to open it...

Teaching Materials

OCR AoS4: Film Music

OCR's Film Music Area of Study covers some of the parts of the exam that students tend to struggle with the most. In order to tackle this systematically, we will break it down into three distinct...

Teaching Materials

Planning for better music technology provision

For this resource, I have revisited that publication and completely updated the recommendations I was making then - in the hope of providing some up-to-date guidance for teachers that adequately...

Teaching Materials

AQA GCSE Area of Study 3: Traditional music - wider listening

‘Wider listening’ is such a strange term. Wider than what? This resource will give you eight specific teaching ideas (two for each topic in Area of Study 3) that you can use to help students prepare...

Teaching Materials

OCR AoS2: The concerto through time

The Concerto Through Time is arguably the meatiest, content-wise, of all OCR's new areas of study. It covers the development of the orchestra and changing compositional approaches from the Baroque...

Teaching Materials

Planning a career in music

How do you start that all-important conversation about a career in music? It's a vast topic. This resource offers some tried and trusted pathways into exploring the music industry, giving ideas on how...

Teaching Materials

AQA GCSE AoS2: Popular Music - wider listening

This resource focuses on providing ideas for both repertoire and teaching for Area of Study 2 (popular music). When AQA launched the first draft of its new specification, it also issued a press...

Teaching Materials

Edexcel GCSE music: ideas for teaching the new Appraising component

Online resources in the coming months will include detailed looks at the individual areas of study, but in this resource I offer an oversight of the Appraising component as a whole, and hopefully some...

Teaching Materials